在语文教学中,我们经常发现一些学生把借喻和借代搞混淆,因此,有必要将两者加以区别,以便学生能较好地掌握和运用。首先,我们应弄清它们具有的各自的意义。借喻是直接把比喻事物借来代替被比喻的事物,本体与喻词都不出现。例如: (1)(猫)用身子蹭你的腿,把脖儿伸出来让你给它抓痒,或是在你写作的时候,跳上桌来,在稿纸上踩印几朵小梅花。(《猫》) (2)我朝前紧走几步,想捧起这清凉的河水痛痛
In Chinese teaching, we often find that some students confuse metonymy with metonymy. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the two so that students can better grasp and use it. First, we should make clear what they mean. Metonymy borrows the metaphorical things directly to replace the metaphorical things, and the ontology and the metaphorical words do not appear. For example: (1) (cats) rub your legs with your body, extend your neck to scratch it, or jump in the table as you write to stitch a few trumpets on the paper. (“Cat”) (2) I tightened my steps forward a few steps, trying to gain the pain of the cool river