1979年6月,IBM 董事长约翰·奥佩尔在听一位遭受 IBM 公司职员冷遇的友人的抱怨之后,化名向公司订购了一台打字机。在他看来,这是一件十分简单的事情,但是,到最后竟然花了他15天时间。且几经周折才得到他想得到的打字机,这件事深深地触动了他。于是他立即召开了领导班子会议,他说:“先生们,在我身上发生的这件事是不能容许的,是和我们公司的信誉格格不入的。如果我们不能为我们的伙伴即我们的客户提供无可指责的服务,那么别人就可以取我们而代之。我们千万别忘这一点……”这次会议重申被遗忘的两个目标:质量至上,热情服务。
In June 1979, after IBM’s chairman, John Ophel, listened to a complainant who suffered from a cold shoulder at IBM’s corporate staff, Alias ordered a typewriter from the company. In his opinion, this is a very simple matter, but in the end actually spent him 15 days. And after several twists and turns to get what he wanted the typewriter, it touched him deeply. So he immediately held a leadership meeting, he said: “Gentlemen, what happened to me is not allowed, and our company’s reputation is out of tune.If we can not for our partners, that is, our customers Provide blameless service, then others can take us and we do not forget this ... ”The meeting reiterated the forgotten two objectives: quality comes first, passionate service.