天津市谦德庄不锈钢经营部,一个百余人的小单位。1986年,全体人马奔波劳碌,勉强创利2万元。“吃饭”问题每提到日程,大家总是“眼睛手心两朝上”。1987年有了转机。1988年出现了大的突破,全年创利288万元,人均近3万元! “吃饭”问题何愁?! 长进如此惊人,关键何在?职工们高兴地说:“决策!我们的决策人,有着不锈的头脑”。而更令人感奋的,还在于决策之后他们那种府身爬坡、努力拼搏的劲头……困境——决策更新的契机
Tianjin Qiandezhuang Stainless Steel Business Department, a small unit of more than 100 people. In 1986, all people rush to labor, barely 20,000 yuan profit. Every time a “meal” is mentioned on the agenda, everyone is always “eye-catching.” In 1987 there is a turning point. In 1988 there was a major breakthrough in the annual profit of 2.88 million yuan, average per capita of nearly 30,000 yuan! “Food” worry ?! To grow so amazing, the key? The workers are pleased to say: “Our decision-makers, With a stainless mind. ” And even more exciting, but also after the decision-making their kind of Fushang climbing, hard work hard ... ... Dilemma - the opportunity for decision-making update