为了引进抗虫、速生、丰产、优质的用材树种 ,从而替代乡土树种二白杨 ,1997~ 2 0 0 0年我们先后引进毛白杨 ,插条在我县二白杨伐桩上进行嫁接试验 ,经观察认为此法切实可行 ,可以在农田林网更新改造过程中推广应用。1 伐桩处理选择生长整齐 ,人为活动少 ,有水肥条件的二白杨
In order to introduce Populus euphratica, a species of Populus euphratica native to China, from 2000 to 2000, we introduced Populus tomentosa and introduced the cuttings on the Populus euphratica var. Think this method is practical and feasible, and can be popularized and applied in the process of renovation and reconstruction of farmland forest network. A choice of stump pile growth and tidy, less human activity, there are two conditions Poplar water