金边桑(Acalypha wikesiana Muell—Arg.Var.marginata W.miller—大戟科)又名红桑,木本金线莲(厦门)或金边莲(龙海),主要分布在我国东南沿海各地.药用部位为叶,具有清热凉血,止血功能,临床常用于治疗出血性紫癜、再生障碍性贫血等.民间亦有用此药治疗肿瘤者,但尚来见有关本药抗肿瘤作用的报道。笔者对金边桑的3个提取物进行抗肿瘤作用的实验观察,现将结果报告如下。 在初试毒性的基础上,根据动物死亡情况及毒副作用,确定腹腔给药剂量为金边桑A(水提部分)0.25
Acalypha wikesiana Muell—Arg.Var.marginata W.miller—Euphorbiaceae, also known as red mulberry, A. armenia (Xiamen) or Phnom Penh (Linghai), is mainly distributed in the southeast coastal areas of China. The use of the site for the leaves, with heat and cooling blood, hemostatic function, clinical commonly used in the treatment of hemorrhagic purpura, aplastic anemia, etc.. People also use this drug to treat cancer, but still to see the anti-tumor effect of the drug reported. The experimental observation of the anti-tumor effect of the three extracts of Phnom Penh mulberry is reported below. Based on the toxicity of the initial test, according to the death of animals and toxic side effects, determine the dose of intraperitoneal injection of Phnom Penh Sang A (water extraction part) 0.25