The Korean Culture and Its Transition

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  Much of Korean values and cultures are based on Confucianism, which was first introduced to Korean late in the Koryo dynasty ended in 1392 and adopted as the state ideology by the succeeding Choson dynasty. Today, with the development of its Society, it is experiencing some apparent transition.
  The economist Tyler Cowen has pointed out that America has more than 3000 halls of fame. That’s to say, if a person does not have the talent for one hall of fame, all other roads lead to Rome. However, Given the Confucian heritage, the emphasis on education seems to be quite rational. Virtually the only way to take off used to be education in the past. Being a scholar represents owning the top status of society. But what can’t be ignored is that recently other halls of fame have been created playing a great role in the modern society. For example, as we all know, the entertainment industry is still in full swing, whose contribution to its GDP is up to around 15%. The social status of people who climb this hall of fame is no longer as inferior as before; instead, they earn respect for their effort as well. For ordinary foreigners, when talking about Korean, what comes to their mind first must be K-pop, stylized form of music, soup operas and anything like this.
  Just as many other Asian countries like Japan and China, Korean is a classic hierarchical culture based on authority and subordination, which extends to relationships in families and organizations. It is always a widely accepted value in their society that people in the subordinate position are supposed to follow others those in the superior positions For instance, in the workplace, older people are more likely to be promoted while the youngest members are obliged to follow the instruction of their seniors and do some chores such as buying coffee, or taking out the trash Although such deep-rooted hierarchy is not likely to change totally in the near future, some organizations have begun to take steps to de-emphasize age in favor of performance when promoting employees and managers. Since the late 1980s, the Korean government has launched a performance-based system of civil servant evaluation. The civil servants’ salary, promotion and benefits are related not to their age but their performance
  According to the three cardinal guides, Women always stand in a relatively subordinate position compared to men. Women traditionally have entered and exited elevators after men, helped men with their coats and followed dutifully behind them as they walked down the street. However, with the improvement of the modern practices and female education, more and more women are jumping out of the circle to fight for their rights and seek for fortunes, although still facing difficulties in the workforce. The gap between median earnings of men and women is about 40 %, in comparison to a gap of about 21% in the US. Apparently the lack of opportunities has motivated many women to seek opportunities outside of Korean.
  Just as Martin J. Gannon and Rajnandini Pillai mentioned in their book Understanding Global Cultures, Korean has created a modern society in which many of its members live by traditional rules colliding with the modern practice. As an island country with scarce natural resources, Korean has to cooperate with the rest of the world, meaning they’ll have to adjust the Confucian-based value to adapt the modern practices. That is what makes up the Korean culture today.
摘 要:社会经济的快速增长,公路交通机械的数量也在不断的增多,对交通机械的科学管理需要给予足夠的重视。本文简要分析公路交通机械管理中出现的问题,并阐述改善公路交通机械管理的合理措施,期望为公路交通机械管理的改进提供有意义的参考,促进交通行业与社会经济的发展。  关键词:公路;交通机械;管理;加强  近几年以来,国内公路交通机械设备的管理工作在逐步增强,但在公路交通机械设备的实际管理过程中仍有一些需
摘 要:随着信息时代的到来,信息传播的速度越来越快,信息传播的广度和深度也越来越强,这在给企业传统的营销模式带来无限机会的同时也给企业带来巨大的冲击和挑战,企业原有的营销策略需要不断革新才能跟上信息时代到来的步伐。在信息时代,不论是市场的领导者还是初出茅庐的新进者,他们都有着同等的机会去参与市场竞争,各大企业要抓住这个机遇实现在营销理念、营销策略、营销方式的创新,让企业的发展更加具方向性和实现质的
如今,信息化广泛渗透到社会生活的各个领域,已经并且继续对国民经济和社会的发展产生极为深刻的影响。作为记录历史、传承文明的档案部门,同样受到了它的影响,主要表现在以下几个方面:  一是要求档案要变被动为主动,最大限度地实现档案的利用价值。过去的档案过多地注意了收藏保管,不注重利用,档案在人们的心目鲜为人知。信息化时代的到来要求档案信息资源要实现全社會共享。这就要求档案要宣传,要走出去,加强与社会之间
摘 要:基层党支部建设对于国有企业的良性发展运行有着重要意义,随我国经济水平的大幅度提升以及改革开放力度的加深,党政建设对于国家、社会的稳定持续发展发挥着关键作用,只有坚持党的正确领导,坚持党对经济体制的把握与理解思想,才能促进我国经济的繁荣稳定发展,尤其是新形势下我国国有企业的发展必须依靠稳固的基层党支部体系,充分发挥党对国有资产的合理调配引导的作用。本文主要论述了党支部对于国企发展的重要意义以
摘 要:在现代中学的生活中,包括饮食质量和师生的生活环境,都取决于后勤管理的质量。所以说,后勤管理和保障工作在一定程度上,将影响着中学生健康成长。所以,为了加快中学后勤管理水平的提高,实现学校整体教学水平的提升,必须重视后勤管理。  关键词:中学后勤;管理工作;所存问题  后勤管理是中学整体工作的重要组成部分,是中学其他部门工作的基石。现在大多数中学都有后勤管理工作,但是在后勤管理方面没有投入太多
摘 要:在我国现代石油化工企业经济管理过程中,费用报销管理是其中较为重要部分,同时也是石油化工企业进行会计核算初始作程序,以及会计信息的提供渠道。但是,在石油化工企业的实际管理过程中,费用报销方面已然有着诸多缺陷,例如账目上的费用支出与实际费用项目不符等,直接对企业造成可经济损失。因此,本文在石油化工企业费用报销管理过程中存在问题进行详细分析基础上,对相关对策进行了有效探讨,希望能为提高石化企业费
摘 要:近年来,随着党务公开、政务公开的快速发展,广大党员对实行党务公开、增强党建工作透明度的要求也日益迫切。党的十九大报告也明确提出,把“推进党务公开”作为党内民主建设的一项重要举措。为增强党建工作的透明度,胜利油田油气集输总厂党委探索实施了党务公开工作,制定了一系列相关工作制度,召开了党务公开工作促进会。总厂党委通过:坚持“三个到位”,即组织领导到位、内容落实到位、宣传发动到位;明确“四个规范
摘 要:文章主要概述了《新华日报》在特定历史时期在推动马克思主义大众化的过程中采取的宣传策略的特点,并总结了结合大众传媒进行马克思主义大众化的基本历史经验,对今后有效推动当代中国马克思主义大众化提供新的现实启示和引导。  关键词:抗日战争;新华日报;宣传策略;马克思主义大众化  一、《新华日报》宣传策略的特点  (一)传播方式的特点  1.版面设置的多样化  报纸的版面作为承载信息的重要载体,版面
摘 要:随着社会经济的发展,我国工业水平逐步提高。由于计算机控制技术已经在每个领域广泛应用,因此,有必要以计算机控制技术的运行方式研究当前的问题。本文通过对当前主流运维计算机控制技术进行研究,引入先进的计算平台和框架,实现对运维目标的全面管理和控制,通过操作和维护自动化系统,能够有效地处理工业自动化生产中的日常运行和维护工作,降低运营和维护成本,降低了运维人员的工作压力,以保证运维的安全性和可靠性
摘 要:随着国内市场经济的快速发展,企业在发展过程中既存在机遇面临更多的风险,对于如何规避风险已成为企业发展的一个重要议题。最常见的风险就是企业合同上出现的漏洞,导致企业在竞争的过程中处于不利局面。因此企业应该在合同的管理上慎之又慎,规避可能产生的法律风险,才能适应竞争激烈的市场环境。文中简要分析了企业合同管理中存在的问题,并提出了企业合同管理法律风险的防范策略,以供相关人士参考。  关键词:企业