99年是王亚楠频繁出镜的一年。两大献礼片《东方报道》和《国歌》均由他主演,碰巧的是,在两部影片中,他的职业都是记者。一个是解放前夕旅美回国的自由撰稿人,一个是帮助聂耳、田汉的进步青年。而今年陆续播放的电视连续剧《陈香梅》《乱世有情天》《中华儿女》《生命之光》等剧里也都有王亚楠形象各异、性格迥然的身影。 能亮出这张漂亮的成绩单,就不难想象王亚楠去年的工作强度有多大。他还记得穿行于两个剧组的愉快,只有演员能够真切体会在同一天里判若两人的快感。他还记得为赶戏曾经4天只睡了7
99 years is a frequent appearance of Wang Yarn year. His two films, “Oriental Reportage” and “National Anthem”, are all starred in him. Coincidentally, in both films, his occupation is a reporter. One is a freelance writer who returned to the United States on the eve of liberation and the other is a progressive youth who helped Nie Er and Tian Han. This year’s series of television series such as “Chen Xiang Mei”, “Chaotic World,” “Chinese sons and daughters,” “Light of Life” and other dramas also have different images of Wang Yarn and their disparate characters. To show off this beautiful transcript, it is not hard to imagine how busy Wang Ya-nan last year’s work. He still remembered the pleasure of running through two crew members, and only the actors could really feel the thrill of being the same on the same day. He still remembered sleeping for only four days in the rush