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随着毕节试验区改革发展的深入,与其它经济区域的经济联系也越来越密切,各驻外办事处的地位也更加重要,充分发挥了“窗口”、“桥梁”和“纽带”的作用。因此,各驻外办事处能否健康、有序运行,对于毕节试验区经济社会发展有着非同寻常的意义。如何确保各驻外办事处健康、有序运行?笔者对加强和规范各驻外办事处财务管理进行了调研和思考,提出了一些措施和办法。 With the deepening of reform and development in the experimental area in Bijie, the economic links with other economic regions are becoming closer and closer. The status of all overseas offices is also more important, giving full play to the “window”, “bridge” and “Tie” role. Therefore, the healthy and orderly operation of all EO offices is of extraordinary significance to the economic and social development of Bijie pilot zone. How to ensure the healthy and orderly operation of all the overseas offices? The author has conducted some investigations and reflections on strengthening and standardizing the financial management of various overseas offices and put forward some measures and measures.
对很多人来说,2014年2月14日不仅仅是情人节,还是美剧《纸牌屋》第二季开播的日子。从华盛顿的餐桌,到北京的地下食堂,这部剧都成了人们谈论的话题。《纸牌屋》制作精美,被誉为“史上最好看的”美剧,而五种食物为其锦上添花。  水,纯净的水,可以看做是克莱尔·安德伍德的孩子(她为了自己和丈夫的职业生涯放弃了生孩子),本剧一开始,克莱尔运营一家非营利组织“净水计划”,她毫不浪费的利用自己丈夫的人脉和影响