上 Yahoo?上 hotmail?且慢,现在只要网站在国外,上什么都费劲。这种情况据说要持续到本月下旬。2月9日清晨,位于上海崇明岛东三百余公里外的太平洋海底电缆意外受损,联接中国和美国的930Mbps 的互联网通道因此受阻。尽管中国电信已采用一些措施恢复了部分带宽,但习惯网上冲浪的人们还是感到不适应。让我们静下心来,看看在这使离不开互联网的人们坐立不安的神秘海底,这水的世界中到底蕴藏着什么……
Hotmail on Yahoo! And slow, now as long as the site in a foreign country, what are hard on. This situation is said to continue until late this month. On the morning of February 9, Pacific submarine cables located 300 kilometers east of Chongming Island in Shanghai unexpectedly damaged the 930Mbps Internet access connecting China with the United States. Although some measures have been taken by China Telecom to restore some of its bandwidth, people accustomed to surfing the Internet still feel uncomfortable. Let us calm down and see what lies in the water’s mysterious sea of secrecy, which has left the inseparable people of the Internet ...