最新全球富豪排行榜上,长期占据世界首富位置的美国微软公司董事长比尔·盖茨威风不再,被美国百货连锁店“沃尔玛(Wal—Mart)”总裁罗伯森·沃尔顿一举超过。目前沃尔顿的财富高达453亿英镑,比盖茨足足多出80亿英镑。那么这位人们还不太熟悉的世界新首富是一个怎样的人呢?1 不喜欢显山露水 作为全球最大的零售商“沃尔玛”的老板,罗伯森·沃尔顿曾经慷慨捐出数亿美元给美国的五所大学。不过,人们发现在“沃尔玛”的网页上根本找不到沃尔顿的简介一类的只言片语,更不用说照片了。与微软“皇帝”比尔·盖茨那种尽人皆知的“公众形象”相比,你随便问起哪个美国人罗伯森·沃尔顿长
Bill Gates, the chairman of Microsoft Corp. who has long occupied the richest position in the world, ceased to prevail over Robertson Walton, president of Wal-Mart, a department store chain in the United States. Currently Walton’s wealth of up to 45.3 billion pounds, more than Gates enough to 80 billion pounds. So what is the new richest man in the world who is not yet familiar with? 1 Do not Like Dew Drop Robertson Walton, the boss of the world’s largest retailer “Wal-Mart,” generously donated hundreds of millions of dollars Five American universities. However, it was found that Walton’s profile could not be found on Walmart’s website, let alone pictures. Compared with the well-known “public image” of Microsoft’s “Emperor” Bill Gates, you casually ask which American, Robertson Walton