南昌大学位于有着“物华天宝,人杰 地灵”和“英雄城”美誉的江南古城- 南昌市,是一所省部共建的国家“211工 程”重点建设大学。南昌大学的前身为 1940年创办的国立中正大学,虽数易校 名,屡迁校址,历经沧桑但弦歌不辍,办 学至今已有六十多年。自1993年5月江 西省委、省政府把江西大学、江西工业大 学合并组建成新的南昌大学以来,它现 已成为“文理工渗透、产学研结合”的新 型综合性大学。 为顺应时代需求和适应高等艺术专 业教育发展的需要,进一步发挥综合类
Nanchang University is located in Nanchang, an ancient city in the south of the Yangtze River that has a reputation of “Tianhua, outstanding people” and “Hero City”. It is a state-owned “211 Project” key construction university jointly established by the provincial department. Nanchang University, formerly known as National Chung Cheng University, founded in 1940, although the number of easy to school name, repeated relocation site, but through the vicissitudes of life, has been running for more than 60 years. Since Jiangxi Provincial Committee and provincial government merged Jiangxi University and Jiangxi University of Technology into a new Nanchang University in May 1993, Jiangxi Provincial Government has now become a new type of comprehensive university that integrates science, technology, industry and research. In order to meet the needs of the times and adapt to the needs of the higher arts education, we should further develop the comprehensive