1926—1927年 Smith、Aschein 与 Zondek 等相继发现垂体促性腺激素。垂体促性腺激素包括卵泡激素,黄体生成激素及黄体营养激素。三者的数量和比例随性别、年龄及经期变化而不同。1949—1958年由李卓浩、Rigas、Steelman 及 Segaloff 等分别由羊、猪及人等垂体中提纯卵泡激素和黄体生成激素。垂体促
1926-1927 Smith, Aschein and Zondek, etc. have found pituitary gonadotropin. Pituitary gonadotropins include follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and luteinizing hormone. The number and proportion of the three vary according to gender, age and menstrual period. From 1949 to 1958, Li Zhuohao, Rigas, Steelman and Segaloff et al purified follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone from the pituitary gland of sheep, pigs and human respectively. Pituitary promote