
来源 :实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bfxbfxabc
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患者香××男汉 62岁农民在右眶下缘发现肿物1年余,于1991年5月20日入院。1年前,无明显诱因右眼眶下缘长一肿物,无红肿、疼痛等不适,时有溢泪。右眼视力5.1,左眼视力5.1。右眼球轻度向上突出,眼球除向下转轻度受限外,其余各方位运动正常。在右眶下缘部可触及2.0×2.0cm 大小的圆形肿物,边界不清,无压痛。眼眶 X 线拍片显示右眶下缘及眶壁骨质无破坏。于1990年5月30日在局麻下行右眶内肿瘤摘除术。术中分离眼轮匝肌以后,摘除部分眶脂肪组织后,发现一暗红色与周围组织无粘连的肿瘤,质硬,无包膜,如桑椹状,大小约2.0×1.8×1.5cm,将肿物完整摘除。术后创口Ⅰ期愈合,眼位恢复,无溢泪现象。病理诊断为眼眶内弥漫 The patients fragrant × × male Han 62-year-old farmer found a mass more than one year in the lower right hand edge, was admitted to hospital on May 20, 1991. One year ago, there was no obvious cause of a long mass in the lower edge of the right eyelid, no swelling, pain, and discomfort. There was tearing. Right eye visual acuity 5.1, left eye visual acuity 5.1. The right eyeball protrudes slightly upwards, except that the eyeball is slightly restricted from turning downward, the other parties are in normal movement. A 2.0×2.0 cm round tumor was accessible at the lower right edge of the right eyelid, with unclear boundaries and no tenderness. The X-ray film of the eyelid shows no damage to the lower edge of the right iliac crest and the tibial wall. On May 30, 1990, the right internal iliac tumor was removed under local anesthesia. After surgical removal of the orbicularis oculi muscle, after removal of part of the adipose tissue, a dark red tumor without adhesion to the surrounding tissue was found to be hard and non-enveloped, such as mulberry-like, approximately 2.0 x 1.8 x 1.5 cm in size. Complete removal of the material. After the wound healed in a phase I, the eye position recovered, and there was no tearing. Pathological diagnosis is diffuse in orbit
广州小吃历史悠久,至今久盛不衰。最为有名的小吃有以下几种:炒田螺:田螺与石螺不同,它的特点是壳薄肉厚,与一种叫紫苏的芳香草同 Guangzhou has a long history of snacks,
脉络膜痣相当多见,约占眼球标本20%,恶变成恶性黑瘤是其中极少部分,Ganlay 等氏根据脉络膜痣的易发率为6.2%,估计一年内有脉络膜痣的大约5000人中仅一人发生恶变。我院近遇