这一章分析了马克思主义关于阶级和阶级斗争以及国家的基本原理。帮助人们认识阶级的产生及其实质、阶级斗争在阶级社会中的动力作用以及国家的起源、实质和职能。 一、阶级的起源和实质 1阶级不是从来就有的。阶级的产生仅仅同生产发展的一定历史阶段相联系。原始社会后期生产力的发展,剩余产品的出现,为阶级的产生提供了可能;分工和商品交换的发展以及生产资料私有制
This chapter analyzes the Marxist basic principles of class and class struggle and the state. Help people to understand the birth of class and its essence, the impetus of class struggle in class society and the origin, essence and function of the country. First, the class's origin and substance 1 class does not always have. The production of a class is only linked to a certain historical stage of production and development. The development of productive forces in the latter part of Primitive Society and the emergence of surplus products have made it possible for the generation of classes; the development of the division of labor and exchange of goods, and the private ownership of the means of production