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  【Abstract】It has been found that motivation is very important to children’s reading competence. This paper intended to study intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and find their relationship with children’s reading competence. In order to do so, previous investigations about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were critically reviewed, and their results were discussed in this paper.
  【Key words】intrinsic and extrinsic motivation; children’s reading competence
  Children’s reading competence plays an important role in their school study. Researchers suggested that reading motivation was an important predictor of children’s reading competence (Park 2011). Reading Motivation is generally divided into two types: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. This paper will critically review previous research of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and study the relationship between children’s reading motivation and reading competence.
  Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and their relationship with children’s reading competence
  Intrinsic motivation refers to a person engages in reading because of his interest or enjoyment in a task while extrinsic motivation is defined as read for something outside the task like grades (Retelsdorf et al. 2011). Wang and Guthrie (2004) believed that intrinsic motivation plays a positive role in children’s reading competence while extrinsic motivation tends to be negative. Children intrinsically motivated may spend more time and energy in reading, while extrinsically motivated children are possible to disinterest in or resent a certain task (Park 2011). Many researchers did investigations to examine the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Becker et al. (2010) carried out a longitudinal study and found that intrinsic motivation positively affected children’s reading. Andreassen and Br?ten (2010) indicated that extrinsic motivation negatively predicted children’s reading comprehension in their research. Longitudinal study permits researchers to study people over an extended period while some members may drop out during the long time. Thus, longitudinal study appears to help researchers see the effects of reading motivation on children’s reading competence but may also lose some important data due to the loss of several participants in the process. Moreover, Law (2009) claimed that reading strategy had positive correlation with intrinsic motivation but the negative relation with extrinsic motivation. Children with intrinsic motivation showed willingness to utilize various reading strategies to understand reading texts but children with extrinsic motivation did the opposite (Law 2009). Law (2009) analyzed intrinsic and extrinsic motivation separately, while Park (2011) argued that reading motivation was more than a simple direct predictor. Intrinsic and extrinsic may interact with each other and work together in learning. Therefore, the effects of both motivations cannot be examined alone. Park (2011) demonstrated a curvilinear relationship between extrinsic motivation and reading performance in his investigation. That is to say, extrinsic motivation was only negative to a child with low intrinsic motivation but not the one who had high intrinsic motivation. Moreover, it was found that extrinsic motivation can be positive to children with at least moderate intrinsic motivation (Park 2011).   Conclusion
  It can be found that many investigations proved that intrinsic motivation positively affect children’s reading competence while extrinsic motivation tends to be negative. However, more researches are needed to study intrinsic and extrinsic motivation together, to explore how they interact with each other and influences on children’s reading competence.
  [1]AndreassenR.and I.Br?ten.2010.Examining the prediction of reading comprehension on different multiple-choice tests.Journal of Research in Reading 33/3:263–283.
  [2]Becker M.,N.McElvany and M.Kortenbruck.2010.Intrinsic and extrinsic reading motivation as predictors of reading literacy:A longitudinal study.Journal of Educational Psychology 102/4:773–785.
  [3]Law Y.2009.The role of attribution beliefs,motivation and strategy use in Chinese fifth-graders’ reading comprehension.Educational Research:51/1:77–95.
  [4]Park Y.2011.How motivational constructs interact to predict elementary students’ reading performance:Examples from attitudes and self-concept in reading.Learning and Individual Differences 21/ 4:347–358.
  [5]Retelsdorf J.,O.Koller,and J.Moller.2011.On the effects of motivation on reading performance growth in secondary school.Learning and Instruction 21:550–559.
  [6]Wang J.and J.T.Guthrie.2004.Modeling the effects of intrinsic motivation,extrinsic motivation,amount of reading,and past reading achievement on text comprehension between U.S.and Chinese students.Reading Research Quarterly 39/2:162-186.
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【Abstract】n both English and Chinese translation, it is very important to correctly understand the lexical meaning of the source language and choose the appropriate expression in the target language.
【摘要】日常生活中,模糊限制语普遍存在。本文从礼貌原则的角度出发,从六项准则对日常会话中的模糊限制语进行分析研究,并阐述模糊限制语是礼貌表达的一个重要手段。恰当地使用模糊限制语有利于维系人际关系,更好地进行对话交流。  【关键词】模糊限制语;礼貌原则;日常会话  【作者简介】原梦琦(1993.05.10-),辽宁瓦房店人,辽宁师范大学,研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言学,二语习得。  一、引言  语
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