破除守旧意识 深化教学改革

来源 :北京成人教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:applechenli
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一、问题的提出长期以来,守旧意识不仅束缚了企业的活力,而且也严重影响了成人学校的教育质量。守旧,不仅仅是“铁饭碗、铁工资、铁交椅”这三种现象,而是一种没有危机感,不思进取,甘居平庸,不愿竞争的意识,在学校中最典型的表现莫过于混分、混文凭的现象了。众所周知,外因是通过内因起作用的。学员如果有了“守”和“混”的意识,内心就没有了学习的驱动力,任何好的教学方法和教师都难以 First, the issue raised For a long time, conservative awareness not only bound the vitality of enterprises, but also seriously affected the quality of adult education in schools. Old-fashioned, not just the “iron rice bowl, iron wages, iron chairs” these three phenomena, but a sense of no sense of crisis, enterprising, mediocre, reluctant to compete in the school’s most typical performance than Mixed, mixed diploma of the phenomenon. As we all know, external factors work through internal factors. Students have the “keep” and “mixed” consciousness, there is no inner driving force for learning, any good teaching methods and teachers are difficult
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