Sedimentary dynamics and ecological state of Nakta tidal flat (littoral), South of Sfax, Gulf of Gab

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jefdskvsaklfdsf
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The tidal flat of Nakta is located in the northern part of the gulf of Gabes and in the southern coast of Sfax. It corresponds to a flat reef protected from less topography, with a slope ranging between 2° and 4°, which borders the Gargour Wadi. The study sector is renowned to have moderate hydrodynamics which lasts almost for two millenary (14C isotopic dating). The sedimentological study of the Nakta tidal flat revealed different facies: fine-grained sand in the intertidal zone and carbonated muddy sand in the infratidal zone. Equilibrium state of the Nakta ecosystem depends entirely on tide currents, which mainly inhibit drift currents. The Nakta tidal flat is characterized by a variety of faunal species (Cerastoderma glaucum, Arca noe, Cardita antiquatus, Chlamys varied, Ruditapes deccussatus, Tapes rhomboids, Pinctada radiate, etc.) and floristic diversities (Halocnemum strobilacum, Halimione portulacoides, Enteromorpha linza, Ulva rigida, Cymodocea nodosa, Posidonia oceanica). The species are abundant in the infratidal zone, while in its intertidal zone, faunal species remain little diversified and are dominated by limivorous diggering. The paleogeographic study of the Nakta tidal flat showed the alternation of regression and transgression periods. The tidal flat of Nakta is located in the northern part of the gulf of Gabes and in the southern coast of Sfax. It corresponds to a flat reef protected from less topography, with a slope ranging between 2 ° and 4 °, which borders the Gargour Wadi. The study sector is renowned to have moderate hydrodynamics which lasts almost for two millenary (14C isotopic dating). The sedimentological study of the Nakta tidal flat revealed different facies: fine-grained sand in the intertidal zone and carbonated muddy sand in the infratidal zone. Equilibrium state of the Nakta ecosystem depends entirely on tide currents, which mainly inhibit drift currents. The Nakta tidal flat is characterized by a variety of faunal species (Cerastoderma glaucum, Arca noe, Cardita antiquatus, Chlamys varied, Ruditapes deccussatus, Tapes rhomboids , Pinctada radiate, etc.) and floristic diversities (Halocnemum strobilacum, Halimione portulacoides, Enteromorpha linza, Ulva rigida, Cymodocea nodosa, Posidonia oceanica). The species are abundant in the infratidal zone, while in its intertidal zone, faunal species remain little diversified and are dominated by limivorous diggering. The paleogeographic study of the Nakta tidal flat showed the alternation of regression and transgression periods.
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采用密度泛函理论中的B3LYP方法研究了H2在AlnCr(n=1-7)团簇上的吸附和解离。结果表明:Aln Cr团簇结构与Aln+1团簇结构相似;物理吸附是H2以侧向的形式吸附在Cr原子上,H-H键长略