Towards a new paradigm of microscopic colitis: Incomplete and variant forms

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Spring_880916
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Microscopic colitis(MC) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that has emerged in the last three decades as a leading cause of chronic watery diarrhoea. MC classically includes two main subtypes: lymphocytic colitis(LC) and collagenous colitis(CC). Other types of histopathological changes in the colonic mucosa have been described in patients with chronic diarrhoea, without fulfilling the conventional histopathological criteria for MC diagnosis. Whereas those unclassified alterations remained orphan for a long time, the use of the term incomplete MC(MCi) is nowadays universally accepted. However, it is still unresolved whether CC, LC and MCi should be considered as one clinical entity or if they represent three related conditions. In contrast to classical MC, the real epidemiological impact of MCi remains unknown, because only few epidemiological studies and case reports have been described. MCi presents clinical characteristics indistinguishable from complete MC with a good response to budesonide and cholestiramine. Although a number of medical treatments have been assayed in MC patients, currently, there is no causal treatment approach for MC and MCi, and only empirical strategies have been performed. Further studies are needed in order to identify their etiopathogenic mechanisms, and to better classify and treat MC. Microscopic colitis (MC) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that has emerged in the last three decades as a leading cause of chronic watery diarrhea. MC types consisting two major subtypes: lymphocytic colitis (LC) and collagenous colitis (CC). Other types of histopathological changes in the colonic mucosa have been described in patients with chronic diarrhea, without fulfilling the conventional histopathological criteria for MC diagnosis. Whereas or uncovered for a long time, the use of the term incomplete MC (MCi) is nowadays universally accepted However, it is still unresolved whether CC, LC and MCi should be considered as one clinical entity or if they represent three related conditions. In contrast to classical MC, the real epidemiological impact of MCi remains unknown, because only few epidemiological studies and case reports have been described. MCi presents clinical characteristics indistinguishable from complete MC with a good response to budesonide and cholestiramine. Although a number of medical treatments have been assayed in MC patients, currently, there is no causal treatment approach for MC and MCi, and only empirical strategies have been performed. Further studies are needed in order to identify their etiopathogenic mechanisms , and to better classify and treat MC.
本文参照Traget-Jensen蜡烛缸培养法,探讨了用新生儿脐带血清和红细胞体外培养恶性疟原虫的效果,并与用正常成人血清和红细胞培养进行了比较。 实验用含脐带血清的培养液长
旋毛虫病系人兽共患寄生虫病,对人体危害严 重。近年来。国内人体旋毛虫病病例有增多趋势,虽有学者将许多免疫学诊断方法应用于此病,诊断效果则与抗原质量密切相关,故作者对
实验在29只家兔身上进行。用2%普鲁卡因局麻。并用巴话朗制动。股动脉插管描记 血压,同时记录标准Ⅱ导心电图。将不锈钢针刺激电极插入兔NMH,用单相连续方波施行单极刺激。 1