宿迁市宿豫区顺河中心小学地处京杭大运河畔,现辖 所完小、3个教学点,共112个教学班,4327名学生,225名 教师。近年来,该校从苏北农村小学的实际出发,紧紧围绕 “德育为首,面向全体,全面发展,争创一流,形成特色” 的办学思路,坚持把德育工作作为实施素质教育的灵魂,以 爱国主义教育为主线,以养成教育为重点,辅之以法制教育 和安全教育,走出了一条农村小学德育工作的成功之路,先 后被评为宿迁市德育工作先进学校和江苏省德育工作先进集 体,成为苏北农村小学德育工作一面鲜艳的旗帜。
Suqian City Suyu District Shunhe Central Primary School is located in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the jurisdiction of the finished small, three teaching points, a total of 112 classes, 4327 students, 225 teachers. In recent years, based on the actual situation of rural primary schools in North Jiangsu Province, the school closely follows the school-running principle of “moral education led by all-round development, striving for excellence and creating distinctive features” and insists on taking moral education as the soul of implementing quality education Patriotism education as the main line, focusing on the development of education, supplemented by legal education and safety education, out of a successful primary school moral education in rural areas, has been rated as Advanced School of Moral Education in Suqian City and Jiangsu Province advanced moral education Collective, a primary school in northern Jiangsu moral education as a vivid banner.