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在“全球安防之都”——深圳,有这样一家企业,背靠强大母公司,十余载根植于监控细分行业市场,基于行业市场差异化需求,提出多样化视频监控解决方案,它就是深圳中兴力维技术有限公司,一个耀眼的明星级企业。中兴力维的进阶之路2005年中兴通讯将原有监控产品线整体剥离,成立深圳中兴力维技术有限公司。依托中兴通讯集成优势,在1996年,他们开始正式启动ZTE E_guard®中兴动力设备及环境集中监控系统项目,最早开始涉足安防行业化,率先探索安防行业 In the “Global Security Capital” - Shenzhen, there is such an enterprise backed by a strong parent company and more than a dozen rooted in the market for monitoring and controlling segments. Based on the differentiated needs of the industry market, a diversified video surveillance solution is put forward. It is Shenzhen Zhongxing Liwei Technology Co., Ltd., a dazzling star-level enterprises. ZTE force of the road to advanced In 2005 ZTE will be the original monitoring product line overall stripping, the establishment of Shenzhen Zhongxing Liwei Technology Co., Ltd.. Relying on ZTE’s integration advantages, in 1996, they officially started the project of ZTE E_guard & reg Zhongxing Power Equipment and Environmental Monitoring System, earliest start to get involved in the security industry and first to explore the security industry
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1 概述2000年8月31日,新疆某火力发电厂6#机组在主蒸汽联络门阀体与主蒸汽管的焊接处突然发生爆断,大量高温蒸汽迅速喷出,致使1人死亡,1人重伤.该机组截止事故发生已累计运行
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