患者 ,男 ,36岁。因睡眠打鼾半年 ,加重 1个月 ,于 1 997年 4月 1 6日来诊。 1 996年 4月曾行双侧鼻息肉 (经病理证实 )摘除术及筛窦开放术 ,术后鼻通气畅 ,无脓血涕史。检查 :体型肥胖 ,颈粗短。血压 1 5 8/1 2 0mmHg( 1mmHg =0 .1 33kPa)。鼻腔术后改变 ,通气畅 ,
Patient, male, 36 years old. Snoring for six months because of sleep, aggravating one month, on January 16, 1997 came to the clinic. 1 996 in April had bilateral nasal polyps (pathologically confirmed) removal and ethmoid sinus surgery, postoperative nasal ventilation, no history of purulent bloody runny nose. Check: Body fat, short neck. Blood pressure 1 5 8/1 2 0mmHg (1mmHg = 0. 1 33kPa). Nasal changes after surgery, smooth ventilation,