
来源 :中国教育学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Whding713
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近年来,随着我国体育健儿在各种国际赛事上频频夺冠,表现突出,我国对体育事业建设的支持力度也逐渐加大,主要体现在对各个阶段体育教育工作的关注与助力,旨在培养多元体育人才队伍,为我国体育事业的辉煌发展提供源源不断的后备军力量。综观分析我国高校体育教学工作的开展情况,为配合已出台的教育政策,在教学方法与内容等方面已作出了部分改革,但要实现理论性与实践性并存的体育课堂效果仍有一定的难度。体育教学作为追求实践效果的学科,对 In recent years, with the frequent wins and outstanding performances of Chinese athletes in various international sports events, our support for the construction of sports undertakings has also been gradually increased, which is mainly reflected in the concern and assistance for sports education in all phases in order to cultivate Multi-sports talent team, for the brilliant development of China’s sports career to provide a steady stream of reserve forces. To analyze and analyze the development of physical education in colleges and universities in our country, some reforms have been made in terms of teaching methods and contents in order to meet the educational policy that has been promulgated. However, there is still some difficulty in achieving the effect of theoretical and practical coexistence of sports classrooms . Physical education as the pursuit of practical effect of the discipline, right
目的:探讨高血压射血分数保留心力衰竭(以下简称心衰)中血管紧张素转化酶(angiotensin converting enzyme,ACE)2、血管紧张素(1—7)[angiotensin(1-7),Ang(1-7)]的变化及ACE2-Ang(1-7)-Mas受