是不是只有“讨论”“活动”等教学方式才能使学生更有效地获得知识?是不是教师饱含感情、生动透彻、精彩纷呈的讲授是过时的教学方法?是不是课堂中不应该有讲授? 随着上海市教委将“练好教学基本功”作为2006年青年教师培训的重点,特别将“教学语言” 的修炼放到一个突出的位置上,这些问题都有了明确的答案--准确规范的教学语言、鞭辟入里的讲解仍是落实课改的重要手段和途径。在上一期讨论的基础上,本期我们对“语言表述能力的修炼”作进一步探索。
Is not only “discussion ” “activities ” and other teaching methods in order to enable students to obtain knowledge more effectively? Is not the teacher full of emotion, vivid, brilliant teaching is outdated teaching methods? Is not the class should not With the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission will “practice teaching basic skills” as the focus of training young teachers in 2006, especially the “teaching language” practice put a prominent position, these issues are clear The answer - accurate and standardized teaching language, whipped into the explanation is still an important means and ways to implement the curriculum reform. On the basis of the previous discussion, we further explore “the practice of language proficiency” in this issue.