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工会宣教文体工作是工会工作的重要组成部分,也是党的宣传思想工作和文化建设的重要组成部分。在目前新形势下,工会的任务、职能、对象、目标都发生了很大的变化,企业在注重产品销售及经营管理的同时,应注重广大企业职工的业余文化生活,通过工会宣教文体工作满足职工对文化精神生活方面的需求,调动职工爱岗敬业及参与企业经营管理的积极性。同时,企业应不断创新工会宣教文体工作方式、方法,结合企业自身经营生产特点,制定符合企业发展的文体宣教方法,注重打造工会文化品牌,激发职工干事创业的工作热情,奏响企业文化建设的最强音。只有在继承中有发展,在探索中有亮点,在创新中有新意,工会宣教文体工作才能适应新形势的发展需要。 Trade union and cultural and sports work is an important part of the work of trade unions and an important part of the party’s propaganda and ideological work and cultural construction. Under the current new situation, the tasks, functions, targets and goals of the trade unions have undergone great changes. While focusing on product sales and management, enterprises should pay attention to the amateur cultural life of the workers in large numbers of enterprises, Employees’ needs for cultural and spiritual life, arouse the enthusiasm of workers and staff to devote themselves to their work and their participation in business management. At the same time, enterprises should continue to innovate the work style and method of the missionary publicity and cultural activities, formulate stylistic and missionary methods in line with the development of enterprises, pay attention to creating the cultural brand of trade union, stimulate the work enthusiasm of the staff officers and start a business culture construction The strongest tone. Only if there is development in inheritance, bright spot in explorations, new ideas in innovation, the work of cultural and sports work of the trade unions in order to meet the development needs of the new situation.
在分析城市河道污染、淤积及治理现状的基础上 ,探讨城市河道整治在截污纳污、水资源调度、生态性堤岸建设、复式亲水生态与防洪河道断面及滨水景观建设等方面的思想、目标及
目的 探讨三维整肌、正脊手法治疗武警官兵急性腰扭伤的疗效.方法 选取门诊治疗的86例急性腰扭伤患者为研究对象,随机分为两组,治疗组43例,采用三维整肌、正脊手法;对照组43