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细致的观察和了解才能真正的了解幼儿内在的个性差别,从而利用周围的环境来决定如何对幼儿进行教育,采取一些有效的措施让幼儿的行为得到正确的引导。在教师观察幼儿的行为的过程中我们要观察幼儿自身的能力、观察幼儿分析问题的能力、观察幼儿的表现力。本文主要分析如何对幼儿的行为进行观察,从而提高幼儿园的教育水平。 Careful observation and understanding in order to truly understand the child’s inherent personality differences, so as to use the surrounding environment to decide how to educate young children, to take effective measures to enable children’s behavior to be properly guided. In the process of teachers’ observation of children’s behavior, we should observe the children’s own ability, observe the ability of children to analyze problems and observe the expressiveness of children. This article mainly analyzes how to observe the behavior of young children, so as to improve the education level of kindergarten.
一次某小班的半日活动,我走进了表演区,四位小朋友有的敲,有的打,有的跳,玩得挺热闹。最吸引我的是一位小男孩,头上戴着女孩的头饰,穿着女孩的裙子正在跳舞。不一会儿,他开始休息。另两位小朋友上去表演。  我跟他说:“宝宝,你跳的《洋娃娃和小熊》真好看,你是那个洋娃娃吧?”他点了点头。  我又问:“这个洋娃娃是女娃娃对吧?”他又点了点头。  我说:“洋娃娃可以是男娃娃吗?”他开口说:“可以。”  我继续