雨打羊毛一片毡 明太祖朱元璋喜爱撰联,一天,他见仪仗队中两排马的怪尾被风吹起,甚是好看,即兴出了一上联:“风吹马尾千条线”,要他的孙子朱允文对下联。朱允文灵机一动,对道:“雨打羊毛一片毡”。显然,这个下联工整、对仗,不失为佳句,只可惜柔弱之羊不能调动大明天子的兴味,朱元璋显得有点扫兴。这时正在一旁的四儿朱棣看出父皇的心事,便立即改对道:“日照龙鳞万点金”,这下朱
A rain felt wool Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang favorite essay, one day, he saw honor guard in two rows of horses in the guard of honor was the wind blowing, very good-looking, impromptu a couplets: “the wind pony a thousand lines” to Zhu Yunwen his grandson of the next couplet. Zhu Yunwen an inspiration, right: “Rain felt a piece of wool.” Obviously, the next round of neat, on the battle, after all, is a good sentence, but unfortunately the weak sheep can not mobilize the interest of the emperor tomorrow, the emperor seemed a bit disappointed. At this moment, Zhu Di, who is on his side, saw his father’s mind and immediately turned to the road: