目的:探讨移植囊胚数、质量及形成时间对0.05);D5 单BC组的临床妊娠率、种植率均显著高于D6 单BC组[65.79%(50/76)比39.47%(15/38),65.79%(50/76)比 39.47%(15/38),n P均0.05)。n 结论:冻融囊胚移植周期,年龄0.05), while the multiple pregnancy rate [2.96% (14/473)] in single good-quality blastocyst group was significantly lower than that in double good-quality blastocyst group [55.65% (69/124)], double BC group [42.55% (20/47)], double CB group [35.22% (31/83)] and [55.65% (69/124)], double BC group [42.55% (20/47)], double CB group [35.22% (31/83)] and BC+CB group [45.57% (36/79)] (n P0.05). The clinical pregnancy rate and the implantation rate in D5 single BC group were higher than those in D6 single BC group [65.79% (50/76)n vs. 39.47% (15/38), 65.79% (50/76) n vs. 39.47% (15/38), all n P<0.001]. Moreover, the clinical pregnancy rate and the implantation rate in D5 single CB group were higher than those in D6 single BC group, but there was no significantly different.n Conclusion:Single good-quality blastocyst transfer should be performed for the women aged less than 38 years in FET cycles. When there is no good-quality blastocyst, it is preferable to choose single D5 non-good-quality blastocyst with higher ICM score for transfer, then choose the one with higher TE score.