羊水栓塞是产科少见而凶险的并发症 ,虽然发生率低 ,但病死率高 ,是目前孕产妇死亡的重要原因之一。近 3年因产后出血、妊高征等死亡原因明显下降 ,羊水栓塞上升为孕产妇死亡的第一位原因[1] 。现将我院 1992年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 12月妊娠分娩并发症的 10例羊水栓塞分析如下。1
Amniotic fluid embolism is a rare and dangerous complication of obstetrics, although the incidence is low, but the high mortality rate is one of the important causes of maternal mortality. The past three years due to postpartum hemorrhage, pregnancy-induced hypertension and other causes of death decreased significantly, amniotic fluid embolism rose to maternal mortality of the first cause [1]. 10 cases of amniotic fluid embolism in our hospital from January 1992 to December 2010 complications of pregnancy and childbirth are analyzed as follows. 1