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俄罗斯在经历了18年的艰难谈判后,22日正式加入世贸组织,成为世贸组织的第156个成员国。欧盟委员会当天发表声明,对俄罗斯加入世贸组织表示欢迎。欧委会在声明中表示,作为欧盟第三大贸易伙伴,俄罗斯加入世贸组织对于欧盟尤为重要。欧盟也是俄罗斯最大的贸易伙伴。欧盟委员会贸易委员德古赫特表示,“加入世贸组织是俄罗斯进一步融入世界经济的重要一步,它将加速俄罗斯的投资与贸易发展,加速俄罗斯经济一体化,并为俄罗斯与欧盟带来许多新的机遇。”他表示,相信俄罗斯将遵守其承诺的国际贸易规则与准则。 After 18 years of hard negotiations, Russia formally joined the WTO on the 22nd and became the 156th member country of the WTO. The European Commission issued a statement the same day, welcoming Russia’s accession to the WTO. The European Commission said in a statement that as the EU’s third largest trading partner, Russia’s accession to the WTO is particularly important to the EU. The EU is also Russia’s largest trading partner. Degucht, trade commissioner for the European Commission, said: “The accession to the WTO is an important step toward Russia’s further integration into the world economy. It will speed up Russia’s investment and trade, accelerate Russia’s economic integration and bring many new things to Russia and the EU . ”He said he believes Russia will comply with its promised international trade rules and guidelines.
可扩展商业报告语言(XBRL)是目前全世界公认的财务信息交换的最新技术,其产生和发展已经成为经济全球化和会计国际化的必然要求. 因此,将XBRL技术应用到医院管理会计中是十分