这是一支肩负着“世界文化与自然遗产”胜地守护任务的民兵队伍,这是一群战斗、工作在华东最高处的中国民兵,安徽省黄山风景区人武部在黄山军分区和黄山管委会的领导下,率领九百精兵守护黄山、服务旅游,急难险重任务显神威,为黄山夺得“卫生山、安全山、文明山”殊荣立下了赫赫战功,谱写出一曲曲韵味别具的民兵之歌。 为迎客松站岗 挺立在黄山玉屏峰前的千年古松——迎客松,不但是一棵深受海内外游客喜欢的堪称“国宝”的友谊松,而且是一棵受到国家三代领导人喜爱的幸福松。毛泽东曾多次在人民大会堂的铁画迎客松屏风前与外国首脑合影,周恩来曾为迎客松的保护问题专门给黄山打来电话,邓小平曾在迎客松旁留影,江泽民视察黄山时曾吟诵出“遥望天都
This is a militia team that is shouldering the tasks of guarding “the world’s cultural and natural heritage”. This is a group of Chinese militiamen fighting and working at the highest point in East China. The Huangpu Military Region and Huangshan Military Region in Anhui Province, Under the leadership of the leadership of nine hundred troops guarding Huangshan, tourism services, the mission of great danger was apprehended, Huangshan won the “Health Hill, Safety Hill, Mountain Civilization,” the illustrious set of illustrious exploits, and write a song flavor unique Militia song. Yingqingsong stood guard in front of the Huangshan Yupingfeng Millennium Gusong - Welcome Song, not only is a favorite by domestic and foreign tourists called “national treasure” of Friendship pine, but also by a country loved by the three generations of leaders Happy pine. Mao Zedong once made a group photo with foreign leaders before the iron painting welcome pine screen in the Great Hall of the People. Zhou Enlai called Huangshan specifically for the protection of welcoming pine. Deng Xiaoping once took a photo in welcoming Songshan. Jiang Zemin inspected Huangshan once Chant out "look into the sky