
来源 :中学地理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foxylxq
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长期以来,我国基础教育形成了“以教师为中心、以教师讲授为主干”的课堂教学模式。“以教师为中心”的课堂设定隐含了对学生个体的忽视,进而导致了对学生个性的压制和对其创新思维的剥夺;而“以教师讲授为主干”的教学方法则违背了人类获取知识的自然过程——从对自然界 For a long time, basic education in our country has formed a classroom teaching model of “teachers as the center and teachers as the backbone.” “Teacher-centered” classroom setting implies the neglect of individual students, which in turn leads to the suppression of student’s personality and the deprivation of their innovative thinking; and “teaching by teachers ” as the teaching method Is against the natural process of human access to knowledge - from the natural world
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一  有次回乡,去看望邻家的大妈,大妈从小待我不错,小的时候贪玩调皮,常常误了饭点。大人要忙着做农活,叫几声没回应,就不管我了。  母亲为了让我长记性,往往把剩菜剩饭锁在柜子里。回家后倒腾一阵找不到吃的。饿得我眼冒金星,直咽清口水,要不是没力气,真想一把火把老屋点了!  过得最悲摧的时候,就是无奈地走回小屋。还没抛开被子,自己就被自己的怒火烧倒了。饿着肚子也能睡着,这就是少年吧。  邻家大妈家和我
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