文艺复兴时期的三杰除了达芬奇和米凯朗基罗,还有一位就是拉斐尔。这三位在艺术上高不可仰的艺术伟人出生在几乎同一地区、同一时代,真堪称是历史奇观。拉斐尔·圣齐奥(Raffaello Sanzio,1483~1520),意大利画家、建筑师。在他短短的37年生涯里,给世人留下了三百多幅珍贵的艺术作品,这些伟大的作品奠定了他艺术大师的地位。因为这三杰同居一城,拉斐尔又比达芬奇年轻许多,受过达芬奇的照应,所以他又有达芬奇学生之说。可惜的是天妒英才,拉斐尔37岁就因一场
Renaissance Sanjie In addition to Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, there is one is Raphael. These three great artists in art are born in almost the same area. In the same era, it is indeed a spectacle of history. Raffaello Sanzio (1483 ~ 1520), Italian painter and architect. In his short 37-year career, he has left more than 300 precious works of art to the world. These great works have laid him the status of master of arts. Because these three men cohabited in one city, Raphael was much younger than Leonardo da Vinci and was treated by Leonardo da Vinci, so he had Leonardo da Vinci students again. It is a pity that day jealous genius, Raphael is due to a 37-year-old