从“全面关怀”到“全面健康”16年前,李玉华在香港念大学,课余喜欢到附近医院的草地上读书。读书累了的时候,就抛下书本,跑到医院的急诊室门口,坐在过道的椅子上,看救护车“呜噜——呜噜”开过来,从车上抬下来一位危急的伤员或病人,风风火火地推进急诊室,后面跟着一大群亲友。再过会儿,急诊室里猛然传出一片哭声,李玉华就知道这人已经不治了。 有一次,急救推车急急地推过来,上面却看不到人。李玉华非常奇怪,就站起来,伸过头去,一看那么长的推车上面,只躺着个尺把
From “Comprehensive Care” to “Comprehensive Health” 16 years ago, Li Yuhua studied in Hong Kong and after school he liked to study on the grass in a nearby hospital. When she was tired, she threw books and rushed to the door of the emergency room of the hospital. She sat in the chair of the aisle and watched the ambulance “呜噜-呜噜” drive over and lifted it from the car. A critically wounded Or the patient, the wind rushed to the emergency room, followed by a large group of friends and relatives. After a while, a sudden cry came from the emergency room. Li Yuhua knew that the man had died. On one occasion, the emergency cart pushed in an eager manner but nobody could be seen above. Li Yuhua was very weird. He stood up and stretched his head. When he looked at the long stroller, he lay only a ruler.