去年,华东师大《面向 21世纪教师教育对策研究》认为:上海实施教师继续教育近十年,取得许多经验,尤其是建立自培基地,实施校本培训; (2)开展教师的入职指导。教师培训所存在的问题是: (1)目前的继续教育目标与教师的实际需要还有一定的差距。因此,目前的培训是一种行政
Last year, East China Normal University’s “Study on Teacher Education in the 21st Century” argued that: Shanghai has been implementing continuing education for teachers for nearly a decade and has gained a lot of experience, especially in establishing self-cultivation bases and implementing school-based training; (2) Conducting the induction of teachers. The problems in teacher training are: (1) There is still a certain gap between the current goals of continuing education and the actual needs of teachers. Therefore, the current training is an executive