If a U.S. manufacturing company can not only defeat a Japanese competitor, but also design a machine for one of them in the future, it must have a secret weapon. In the case of Milacron, these secret weapons are the 50-year-old vice president of the group, Harold, Faig, who is in charge of the plastics machinery department, and his revolutionary product development method: “Wolfs”. While 21 U.S. companies were unsustainable under the competition of Japanese companies, Faig led Milacron’s company to the top position in the U.S. plastics machinery market. His Cincinnati-based company has already topped the world’s second place, second only to the German Mannesmann Group. Milacron is part of the former Cincinnati-Millacron company that sold a significant portion of its machine tool business last year to Los Angeles-based conglomerate Yunova Group.