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目的了解深圳2家板式家具制造企业职业病危害因素现状,探讨可行的职业病危害防控措施,为职业病防治提供依据。方法采用职业卫生学调查方法,依据国家有关标准和规范的要求,对2家板式家具制造企业职业病危害因素进行检测与评价。结果 A企业刨边清洗工位苯的浓度为6.4~13.1 mg/m3,电子锯工位木尘浓度为2.64~4.06 mg/m3,自动钻床机工位木尘浓度为2.65~3.25 mg/m3;电子锯工位噪声强度为84.4~86.3 dB(A),倒角机工位噪声强度为85.3~86.2 dB(A),自动钻床工位噪声强度为83.1~85.9 dB(A),贴边机工位噪声强度为85.9~86.0 dB(A),刨边清洗工位噪声强度为86.1~86.8 dB(A)。B企业打磨工位混合胶水使用处丙酮浓度为418.5 mg/m3,喷油工位的其他粉尘浓度为15.5 mg/m3,打磨工位(人工石料)的噪声强度为86.2 dB(A)。结论深圳市A、B 2家企业均有部分作业点的化学毒物、粉尘和噪声超出国家职业卫生标准,板式家具生产企业应建立完善的职业卫生管理制度,保证防护设施的有效运行及个人防护用品的合理佩戴,定期组织工人进行职业健康检查。板式家具生产过程中产生的职业病危害是可控的。 Objective To understand the current situation of occupational hazards in two panel furniture manufacturers in Shenzhen and to explore feasible prevention and control measures of occupational hazards so as to provide the basis for the prevention and control of occupational diseases. Methods According to the survey method of occupational hygiene, according to the requirements of relevant national standards and norms, the occupational hazards of two panel furniture manufacturing enterprises were tested and evaluated. Results The concentration of benzene was 6.4-13.1 mg / m3 at the edge cleaning station A, 2.64-4.06 mg / m3 at the electronic saw station, and 2.65-3.25 mg / m3 at the automatic drilling machine. The noise intensity of the electronic saw station was 84.4-86.3 dB (A), the noise intensity of the chamfering machine station was 85.3-86.2 dB (A), the noise intensity of the automatic drilling machine station was 83.1-85.9 dB (A) The bit noise intensity is 85.9-86.0 dB (A), and the noise intensity at the beveling cleaning station is 86.1-86.8 dB (A). Concentration of acetone at the place where the mixed glue for B enterprise grinding station was used was 418.5 mg / m3, the concentration of other dust in the injection station was 15.5 mg / m3, and the noise intensity of the grinding station (artificial stone) was 86.2 dB (A). Conclusion The chemical poison, dust and noise of some enterprises in A and B in Shenzhen are beyond the national occupational health standards. The panel furniture manufacturers should establish a sound occupational health management system to ensure the effective operation of protective facilities and personal protective equipment Reasonable wear, regular workers in occupational health examination. Occupational hazards in the production of panel furniture are manageable.
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