吴邦国副总理指示: 2001年,药监部门在落实省以下垂直管理体制改革、加强药品监管、整顿药品市场秩序等方面做了大量工作,取得了很大成绩。药品作为人民群众防病治病必不可少的特殊商品,直接关系人民群众生命健康。药品监管任重道远,希望你们在新的一年里,进一步认真学习贯彻江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想,开拓进取,突出重点,扎实工作。要把市、县级药监机构和职能落实到位,各级药监机构必须做到政企分开,按照政治过硬、业务精良、作风清正、纪律严明的要求加强药监队伍建设,切实转变工作作风,提高办事效率。要加强药品研究、生产、流通、使用全过程的监管,完善各项监管制度,深入开展整治药品市场秩序和打假工作,维护全国统一、公平竞争、规范有序的市场环境,真正让老百姓用上安全有效的放心药,促进医药事业健康发展。
Vice Premier Wu Bangguo instructed: In 2001, the drug regulatory department made a great deal of achievements in implementing the reform of the vertical management system under the provincial level, strengthening drug regulation and rectifying the order of drug markets. As a special commodity indispensable to people’s disease prevention and treatment, drugs have a direct bearing on the lives and health of the people. In the new year, I hope you will study and carry out Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important thinking of the “three represents” in a conscientious and conscientious manner and work hard to forge ahead and make progress in your work. The city and county drug regulatory agencies and functions must be put in place. The drug regulatory agencies at all levels must be separated from the government and enterprises. In accordance with the requirements of being politically competent, well-behaved, well-behaved and disciplined, the establishment of drug regulatory teams should be strengthened and the working style should be effectively changed , Improve work efficiency. We must step up supervision over the whole process of drug research, production, distribution and use and improve various regulatory systems. We will deepen the work of rectifying drug market order and counterfeiting, safeguarding a unified, fair competition and a standardized market environment so that ordinary people can spend more Safe and effective relief medicine, and promote the healthy development of the pharmaceutical industry.