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批评家米勒的“反叙事学”体现了鲜明的解构主义特点,具体表现在解构叙事线条及形而上学、根源不可知、意义的不可确定性、单一叙事以及单一叙事阐释的不可能性。然而细细考察,在其具体的论述和论证过程中不时地闪现先前叙事研究的影子,它们后者作为异质性的存在,起着暗中颠覆其解构立场的作用。米勒在解构传统叙事假定的同时也消解了自身,这就是米勒“反叙事学”的悖论所在。 The criticism of Miller’s “anti-narratology” embodies the distinct characteristics of deconstruction, which are manifested in the deconstruction of narrative lines and metaphysics, the origin of unknown, the uncertainty of meaning, the single narrative and the impossibility of single narrative interpretation. However, careful examination reveals the shadow of previous narrative studies from time to time in the process of its concrete discussion and argumentation. As the existence of heterogeneity, the latter plays the role of subverting their position of deconstruction. Miller also deconstructed itself while deconstructing the traditional narrative assumptions, which is the paradox of Miller’s anti-narratology.
时间仿佛是一捧细沙,不经意间就流走了;时间宛如是一条小河,不分昼夜地向前流淌;时间更像是一台录像机,记录着我成长的点点滴滴。  小时候的我,更多的是玩乐与欢笑。在公园里,在广场上,和小伙伴们踏着滑板车,你追我赶,一路上飘荡着我们的欢声笑语;在大树后,在假山旁,你躲我藏,时不时地响起小伙伴们被抓到时的惊声尖叫。安静的时候,我和小朋友们比赛讲故事,嫦娥奔月、后羿射日、哪吒闹海……一天又一天在无忧无虑中