4雪湖的拍摄雪湖 ,顾名思义 ,就是冬天里下过雪后被雪装饰过的西湖自然风光。西湖的自然风光 ,对于摄影家来说 ,除了桃红柳绿的春天是创作的黄金季节外 ,千里冰封万里雪飘的冬季更是拍摄、创作风光作品的最佳季节。每当杭州下雪 ,但见那婀娜多姿的鹅毛雪花在西湖的上空漫天飞
4 Snow Lake shooting Lake, as the name implies, is the natural beauty of the West Lake decorated with snow after the winter snow. The natural beauty of the West Lake, for photographers, in addition to the pink and green spring is the golden season of creation, thousands of miles frozen Miles snow winter is shooting, creative scenery of the best season. Whenever Hangzhou snow, but see the graceful goose snowflakes sky over the West Lake