
来源 :近代史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyaa1984
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以余祖胜为代表的工人作家作为1940年代中国激进工人阶层中的一部分,在促进“阶级计划”的进程中是一群重要的人物。为了尝试在工人和知识分子之间架起一座桥梁,并粉碎社会强加于工人阶级的耻辱,余祖胜开始从事写作。写作既是余祖胜自我解放的一种方式,也是其表达信念的工具:首先,余祖胜用当时社会所能接受的语言,要求社会给予工人应有的尊严,在1940年代重庆工人阶级的形成过程中起到了一定的作用。其次,在其作品中,余将自己的伦理观念、政治需求与个人的亲身经历融合在一起,为知识分子塑造了社会和政治鞭挞者的新形象。余努力的结果是,他成长为葛兰西所说的“有机知识分子”的典型。余祖胜渴望成为一名他自己所定义的知识分子,同时他也认为工人应与知识分子一样拥有高尚的道德境界,这使他经常处于知识分子与工人之间的夹缝位置,与其他社会阶层成员之间的关系开始变得模糊。值得回味的是,在余去世后的十年里,知识分子的改造运动在中国广泛盛行起来。 Worker writers represented by Yu Zusheng, as part of China’s radical working class in the 1940s, are a group of important figures in the process of promoting “class plans.” In an attempt to bridge the gap between workers and intellectuals and shatter society’s shame imposed on the working class, Yu Zusheng started writing. Writing is not only a way of Yu Zusheng’s self-liberation, but also a tool of expressing his conviction. First, Yu Zu-sheng used the language acceptable to the society at that time and demanded that the society should give due dignity to the workers and played a role in the formation of Chongqing’s working class in the 1940s A certain role. Secondly, in his works, Yu combined his own ethical concepts and political needs with personal personal experiences to create a new image of intellectuals and social criminals. As a result of his hard work, he has grown to be typical of what Gramsci called “organic intellectuals.” Yu Zusheng longs to become an intellectual himself defined, and at the same time, he also believes that workers should have the same noble moral realm as the intellectuals. This often places him in the middle of the gap between intellectuals and workers and with other members of the social class The relationship between began to become blurred. It is worth recalling that in the ten years after his death, the reform movement of intellectuals was widely prevalent in China.
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