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一、家庭的消解中国自古以来,家庭便是人们主要的活动场所,由于传统自然小农经济的稳定性和封闭性,家庭可以说就是人们的根。儒家文化是中国传统文化的主流,统摄中国人的意识形态数千年,并对中国家庭伦理的形成、发展,有着深远的影响。 First, the family’s digestion China since ancient times, the family is the people’s major venues, due to the stability of the traditional natural smallholder economy and closed, the family can be said that people’s roots. Confucianism is the mainstream of Chinese traditional culture, taking the Chinese ideology for thousands of years and having a profound influence on the formation and development of Chinese family ethics.
1864年7月19日,天京(今南京)内外,黑云压城,火光冲天。正午时分,随着曾国荃一声令下,“轰隆”一声惊天巨响过后,太平门处的城墙被炸塌20余丈,数万湘军一齐呐喊,挥舞着刀剑像龙卷风一样席卷向坍塌的城墙。  守城的太平军从各处赶来拼死封堵缺口,他们从城墙扔下雨点般的炸药包,冲在最前面的400多湘军敢死队员一片惨叫,全被烧死。但成千上万的湘军士兵打着漩儿挤成一团蜂拥而入,太平军再也抵挡不住洪水般呼