曾几何时,中国老百姓抢购彩电、走后门买冰箱争先恐后;可如今,面对丰富多彩的家电世界,人们反倒爱理不理了。买东西凭证划本的无奈已成为过去,但现在真正想买的东西不多、不如意的随处可见,又使人伤透脑筋。这,就是结构不合理问题。 结构不合理,可以说是我国以往几十年经济发展道路必然导致的结果。长期以来,政企不分,条块分割,市场封闭,投资行为缺乏风险约束机制。企业的生存和扩张,是每一企业的个体行为。因而,“大而全”、“小而全”重复建设等问题很多。 毋庸置疑,走出短缺经济,经济总量子衡状况明显改善,应该说是这些年我
Once upon a time, people in China snapped up color TVs and walked through the back door to buy refrigerators. However, people are turning a deaf ear to the rich and colorful home appliances world. The helplessness of buying vouchers has become a thing of the past, but what you really want to buy nowadays is small and unpleasant everywhere you are. This is the issue of irrational structure. The irrational structure can be said to be the inevitable result of the economic development in the past decades in our country. For a long time, no division of government and enterprises, fragmented, the market closed, the lack of risk-limiting investment behavior mechanism. The survival and expansion of an enterprise are the individual behaviors of each enterprise. Therefore, there are many problems such as “big and complete” and “small and complete” duplication. Undoubtedly, out of a shortage economy, the overall economic balance has improved markedly, and should be said that these years