患者男性,50岁,干部,因右眼视力下降一年于2005年12月就诊。患者曾于1996年在某医院行左眼白内障囊外摘除并后房型人工晶状体(IOL)植入手术,术后因眼压升高行虹膜周边切除术,3个月后IOL脱落于玻璃体腔内,遂手术取出,并植入前房型IOL。现眼科检查:视力右眼0.12,左眼0.02,眼压右眼20 mmHg,左眼19 mmHg。右眼视力下降前屈光状态:-1.5DS。右眼角膜透明,角膜后大量色素性KP,在角膜内表面中央部呈纺锤状分布(图1)。前房很深,虹膜向后弓形突出形成凹陷(图1)。宽
Male patient, 50 years old, cadre, due to decreased visual acuity of the right year in December 2005 treatment. In 1996, a patient underwent extracapsular extracapsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in a hospital. In 1996, IOL peripheral excision was performed due to an elevated intraocular pressure. After 3 months, the IOL shed into the vitreous cavity , Then surgically removed, and implanted anterior chamber IOL. Now ophthalmology examination: right eye 0.12, left eye 0.02, intraocular pressure right eye 20 mmHg, left eye 19 mmHg. Right eye vision decreased before refractive status: -1.5DS. Right cornea transparent, a large number of pigmented corneal KP, in the central corneal surface was spindle-like distribution (Figure 1). The anterior chamber is deep and the iris protrudes backwards to form a concavity (Figure 1). width