【摘 要】
This paper stuides numerically the model equation in a one dimensional defective photonic lattice by modifying the potential function to a periodic function. It
【机 构】
Department of Physics,Harbin Institute of Technology,COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,Dep
【出 处】
Chinese Physics B
This paper stuides numerically the model equation in a one dimensional defective photonic lattice by modifying the potential function to a periodic function. It is found that defect modes (DMs) can be regarded as Bloch modes which are excited from the extended photonic band-gap structure at Bloch wave-numbers with k x = 0. The DMs for both positive and negative defects are considered in this method.
This paper stuides numerically the model equation in a one dimensional defective photonic lattice by modifying the potential function to a periodic function. It is found that defect modes (DMs) can be regarded as Bloch modes which are excited from the extended photonic band-gap structure at Bloch wave-numbers with kx = 0. The DMs for both positive and negative defects are considered in this method.
金乡地处鲁西南黄河冲积平原,海拔35-39.5米。年平均气温13.2℃,降雨量一般在740毫米左右。是内陆盐碱较重的县,全县94万亩耕地,盐碱地约占32.5% 近几年来,我们通过深翻整地
一辆日产大客车(采用FD46T柴油发动机),在行驶中出现加速反应迟缓。动力下降,百千米油耗增加5 L~6 L的故障现象。检查发现,发动机怠速时有轻微的抖动现象,但中、高速时工作无