整体环境 由于乌拉圭回合协议自身的不平衡,使乌拉圭回合中有关市场准入协议在执行过程中,存在着许多问题。 首先,发达国家大力推动那些与其利益攸关的协议的执行,而对那些事关发展中国家贸易利益的协议如纺织品和服装协议的实施则采取拖延态度。由于各协议实施力度不同,加大各成员在乌拉圭回合一揽子协议中权利与义务的不平衡,这种不平衡最大的受害者仍是广大的发展中国家。
The overall environment As a result of the imbalance in the Uruguay Round agreement itself, there are many problems with the implementation of the market access agreement in the Uruguay Round. First, the developed countries are vigorously promoting the implementation of agreements that are of interest to them. However, they delay the implementation of agreements that affect the trade interests of developing countries, such as textiles and clothing. Due to the different implementation of the agreements, the imbalance of rights and obligations among the members in the Uruguay Round package was increased. The largest victims of this imbalance are still the vast number of developing countries.