北京军区某步兵团团长傅卫,因患肝癌于今年1月30日溘然长逝,年仅41岁。 他是我军在新时期全身心投入军事国防事业的一位优秀团长。他平凡而闪光的事迹在部队官兵和人民群众中引起了强烈的反响。人们交口称赞他是“军中焦裕禄”,当代军人的楷模。 在生命的最后时刻 他想的是什么 1996年1月23日,在北京军区总医院一间普通病房里,傅卫在亲人的陪伴下,度过了他的41岁生日。
Fu Wei, head of an infantry regiment of the Beijing Military Region, died suddenly of liver cancer on January 30 this year, and was only 41 years old. He is an outstanding leader of our military who devoted himself to military defense in the new era. His ordinary and flash deeds aroused strong repercussions among officers and soldiers of the armed forces and the masses of the people. People pay lip service to him as “a focal point in the military” and a model for contemporary military personnel. What did he think at the end of his life On January 23, 1996, Fu Wei spent his 41 birthday with his family in an ordinary ward of the Beijing Military Region General Hospital.