从大量试验数据分析中发现 ,影响冷轧扭钢筋试验有效率的因素有试样的选择、夹具形式、加荷速度和夹持方式 ,其中影响最大也最容易忽视的是夹持方式。按照JG3046 -1998《冷轧扭钢筋》标准的规定 ,对试样长度应按节距的偶数倍截取 ,且不小于4倍节距并不小于500m
From a large number of experimental data analysis found that the impact of cold-rolled steel torsion test efficiency of the sample selection, fixture form, loading speed and clamping methods, of which the most influential and most easily overlooked is the clamping method. According to JG3046 -1998 “cold-rolled twisted bar” standard, the length of the sample should be taken an even number of times the pitch, and not less than 4 times the pitch is not less than 500m