There are four people in traditional Chinese society: people, agriculture, industry and commerce. Shi is a social class. They not only have the knowledge of culture and social norms, but also have the concept of Confucian values. The central concept of Confucian ethics is benevolence. At the same time, maintaining the despotism of the social system and the patriarchal clan system is his political stand. Practitioners in the traditional Western occupational field come from this class of scholars. The duality of the values and the political orientation of the scholar is the root cause of the duality of professional ethics among the doctors in the field of public power. However, in occupational fields that are far away from public power or in the field of public power, such as historians, education, medical care, and commercial fields, which are relatively far from the interests of the public, embody Confucian ethics as well as more general The spirit of professional ethics.