目前全世界生物质能源消费量占能源总供应量的15 % 左右,由于各国气候、土地利用情况不同,生物质能源生产及利用水平差别也很大。如美国、瑞典、巴西、芬兰、丹麦、波兰和英国等已走在世界前列。经大量试验发现有2 类能源植物比较有前途,它们分别是短期轮作矮林(SRC) 和禾本科能源作物( HEC) 。食品生产与生物质能源生产之间没有冲突,生物质能源生产及利用有利于环境保护、人类健康和全球性气候变暖的减缓。生物质能源生产及利用正由传统的薪柴收集和直接燃烧的方式,迅速向能源作物集中生产和生物质能源现代化转换方向发展。
At present, biomass energy consumption in the world accounts for about 15% of the total energy supply. Due to different climate and land use in different countries, biomass energy production and utilization vary greatly. Such as the United States, Sweden, Brazil, Finland, Denmark, Poland and the United Kingdom have been at the forefront of the world. A large number of experiments have shown that there are two types of energy plants are more promising, they are short-term rotation of the crop (SRC) and gramineous energy crops (HEC). There is no conflict between food production and biomass energy production, and biomass energy production and utilization are conducive to environmental protection, human health and global warming. The production and utilization of biomass energy are rapidly being collected and directly burned by traditional fuelwood and are rapidly being converted to energy-intensive crop production and biomass energy conversion.