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菏泽地区位于山东省的西南部,处在新老黄河之间,系黄河冲积平原,粉沙地较多,土质松散,又是多风暴雨的中心。解放前,我区人民受到了严重的风沙危害;解放后,为了防风固沙,发展农业生产,党和政府领导人民进行了植树造林。全区计有大片沙、碱荒地96万亩,经过十几年来的植树造林运动,目前全区已造成片林66.7万亩,零星植树9160万株,大大的减少了风沙危害。我区公路绿化工作,是在沙荒造林的同时发展起来的。在上级党和政府的正确领导下,经过十几年的努力,特别是通过1963年以来三年的突击运动,全区公路已基本实现了绿化。绿化里程占总里程的97.8%,共植行道树50.71万株,造矮林260余万墩。其中已有650公里达到上乔下灌,并有244公里的路线栽上了双行树。 Heze area is located in the southwest of Shandong Province, between the old and new Yellow River, the Yellow River alluvial plain, more powder sand, loose soil, but also the center of stormy weather. Before the liberation, the people in our district were endangered by severe sandstorms. After the liberation, in order to prevent wind and sand and develop agricultural production, the party and the government led the people in afforestation. The region has a large area of ​​sandy and alkaline wastelands of 960,000 mu. After more than ten years of afforestation, the entire area has caused 667,000 mu of forest patches and 91.6 million sporadic trees, greatly reducing the risk of sandstorms. The greening work in our district was developed at the same time as the afforestation and desertification. Under the correct leadership of the superior party and government, after more than a decade of efforts, especially through the three-year surprise campaign of 1963, roads in the entire district have been basically afforested. Greenery mileage accounted for 97.8% of the total mileage, planting a total of 507,100 trees, making more than 260 million pier. Of these, 650 kilometers have been reached and the 244 kilometers have been planted with double rows of trees.
当你路过一家干净清爽的小店,阵阵清新的米香扑面而来,目光转过去,发现那竟然是一款米做的蛋糕,会不会惊喜万分,立刻买一块来尝一尝?  【项目介绍】  米蛋糕分为两大类,一种是用蒸熟的米粒做成的生日蛋糕,另一种是把生米粒打成米浆而做成的小蛋糕。二者各有特色,如今开店专门做米蛋糕的店家,有的只经营其中一种,也有人二者兼营,生意都不错。  直接用米粒做的生日蛋糕,可以改良日本寿司的做法来蒸米,也可以直接混
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